
7-day preview

Original price was: $299.99.Current price is: $0.00.

7-day Preview

This is a preview to limited sections of the TEFL Adventure online 120-hour certification course.

You will be able to enjoy access to lessons for 7 days, after which you can choose to purchase Full Access to use the entire online course.

Click here if you’d like to gain full access now to the entire course.

What you’ll learn

  • Master modern communicative techniques for engaging students in multiple English language learning environments.
  • Recognize, identify, and use language acquisition theories and principles to develop sound lesson plans.
  • Deliver lesson plans using interactive and engaging methods.
  • Understand ways to motivate and properly engage students.

The developers of TEFL Adventure have real-world experience in how to navigate the challenges of teaching English to non-native speakers in a foreign environment. TEFL Adventure is designed to help both new and experienced instructors successfully acquire ESL-teaching positions abroad, and be confident teachers once they begin their jobs.

How are we different?

What makes TEFL Adventure unique from other online teacher-training courses is that the program is constantly evolving. To ensure material always stays relevant, we continue to edit and update the course in line with shifting educational needs. This includes providing regular updates to our lessons and assignments, and making sure students get real feedback from our instructors.

  • TEFL Adventure includes more than 120 hours of study material
  • As long as they have internet access, students are able to log into their online lessons at any time, from anywhere
  • Students can access online courses through our mobile app, allowing them to study while on the go
  • Coursework includes quizzes, tests, written responses, and final exams
  • Students get real feedback from real instructors for their completed assignments and test
  • Students who successfully pass a TEFL Adventure course are certified for life

TEFL Adventure’s online TEFL / TESOL course is fully accredited by OTTSA (Online TESOL and TEFL Standards Agency). Our courses are reviewed monthly by OTTSA, who gives us feedback and advice on how to improve our lessons even more.