We are delighted that our substantial, high-quality TEFL Course has been accredited by ACCREDITAT.

ACCREDITAT is based in Scotland, UK and is an independent, international accreditation body which sets rigorous Standards for the accreditation of TEFL Providers. When an organization has been accredited by an accreditation body, it means that they have been assessed against internationally recognized standards to demonstrate their competence, impartiality and performance capability.

Organizations accredited by ACCREDITAT have met their demanding Standards in 4 vital areas:

  1. the ethics and integrity of their operation
  2. the high quality of their program
  3. the exceptional caliber of their assessment
  4. the high capability, extensive knowledge and in-depth expertise of their tutors

We are proud that our TEFL Course has been accredited by ACCREDITAT. This means that all our students can be confident they are receiving the best TEFL education available, scrutinised and validated by ACCREDITAT.

For more information about the stringent accreditation Standards we have met, please take time to view ACCREDITAT’s accreditation Standards.

After successful completion of your TEFL Course, you can apply to ACCREDITAT for an ACCREDITAT Confirmation Document in pdf format, if you wish. This is a confirmation document, not an academic certificate. It will confirm clearly that you did in fact complete your course successfully in case anyone ever doubts this. This is a huge benefit for you. This will confirm in any future recruiter’s or employer’s mind your excellent achievement, and the high quality of Teacher Adventure, our accredited course and our expert tutors.

If you wish, please apply for your additional ACCREDITAT Confirmation Document in pdf format and then pay the GBP 20 ACCREDITAT Confirmation Document in pdf format fee.

In addition, ACCREDITAT will be delighted to give you access to free, practical TEFL and Learning and Development materials from time to time to help you towards your goals, once you have obtained your ACCREDITAT Confirmation Document in pdf format. (Note that the development of the materials has been suspended during the pandemic.)