Mobile access

Log into TEFL Adventure online courses on your phone

  • Learn on the go, no matter where you are
  • Sync your lessons across devices
  • Easily track your progress from your mobile phone
  • Get notifications and reminders, even if you’re away from your desk

Being able to access your TEFL Adventure lessons on your phone gives you the kind of flexibility that other programs don’t offer. No need to choose between desktop or mobile—you have access to both, allowing you to choose the platform that is the best option for you at any given time.

1. Download the app

Search for the app called “TalentLMS” on your iOS or Android app provider.


2. Access TEFL Adventure

Type “” into the [Domain] text bar.


3. Sign in

Input your username and password, then click [sign in].

4. Take your lessons

Conveniently gain access to all your online courses through your phone.

Navigate course content

Navigating course content is a breeze whether you’re on a desktop computer or on your phone, as the platform’s interface will automatically adjust according to the device you’re signed into.

Sync your learning progress

There are many reasons why you would need mobile access to your online lessons. Maybe you have a busy schedule, and your daily commute is the best time for you to take your courses. Maybe your internet connection isn’t always the most reliable, and you’d like to come back to your lessons at a later time, in another place.

In any case, mobile access only makes your life easier.

What are you waiting for?